Cody Beebe
After graduating from WSU with a Civil Engineering degree, I knew I would take that little piece of paper, put it in a frame, and never look back. My passion was always in music and other artistic endeavors, so I was lucky enough to start a band and recruit Mr. Eric Miller as my bass player. We hit the road and started making music videos and doing our own DIY marketing. This gave way to the side hustle that turned into our full-time hustle. I love how video production brings so many elements together, and when done correctly, can make a huge impact on a brand. Over the past few years, we've been fortunate to balance building Digital Vendetta, still playing some music here and there, running a festival company, and starting a brewery in my hometown of Selah, WA. But my best and favorite endeavor is my family, raising a beautiful little girl with my wife with another little lady on the way.
Personal Brand: Dad and part-time farmer.